
cultura dell'immagine e della parola

An interview with Urs Domingo Gnad

Urs Domingo GnadFirst of all, we would like to know something more about your artistic background: how did you started your career as a film director? You are very young but Egotrip shows your excellent skills…

I was into photography and painting before I made films. Painting was really a big part of my life. I actually planned to study at a traditional art school. The problem was just that the titles of my paintings became longer and longer. I wanted to tell more than I could with just one picture. So when I got my first video camera it just felt right. Haven`t put it down since and am still addicted.

This movie made the audience laugh with pleasure, as becausa it surprised us, as because it provoked us. How did Egotrip rise in your mind?

I wanted to make a film about a guy who is faster than himself. Especially cause everyone tries to be faster and more effective these days. The idea comes from a game I used to play as a kid. A couple of kids run around a ping pong table and hit the ball back to the other side. The one who misses is eliminated. The last two play a normal match. I always asked myself if it is possible to play it alone.

How did you realized this incredible movie? It is a one-sequence or you’ve managed it in another way with digital editing?

It is a single shot. Analog. It took me a while to figure it out. But this simple idea worked out only once. The other two days my actor didn`t catch the ball, there was too much wind or even dogs in the background. It was freezing and the first time I felt my crew wants to kill me. Finally it worked out. The last take that`s it. So we went to have breakfast.

I would like to know your impressions about the Milano Film Festival.

Milano Film Festival is fantastic! I think the average age at the festival is 25 to 30. Something I haven`t seen before. The interest in shortfilms was immense. It feels good to be taken seriously by your own generation. The staff does an incredible job (thanks). I hope they will go on like that. I also like Milano. A lot of young people I met hate their city. I know this attitude from Germany. I think it is the perfect place to start something new. Be creative and change something.

Germany always takes part to Milano Film Festival, and always with high quality movies, also this year. What about German festivals?

I was surprised by the number of german films in Milano. There are many festivals in Germany and also a few film schools. Filmmaking is still funded by the state. Maybe that explains the quality of the films. Whatever. The main thing is the idea. Some of the best ideas don`t need any money.

Link correlati

• Resoconto sul Milano Film Festival 9
• Intervista con Michelange Quay
• An interview with Michelange Quay: english version
• Intervista con Giovanni Eccher
• Intervista con Andrea Costantino
• Vai all’intervista con Urs Domingo Gnad
• Vai all’intervista con Giacomo Gatti

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